5 Facts About Beach Safety in Ghana in 2022

beaches in ghana in 2022

The African country of Ghana spans the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Guinea. It shares borders with the Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, and Togo. The country’s coastlines are known for their white sand and azure waters. The most beautiful parts of the country are the beach resorts and the mountainous terrain. You can also explore the rich history of the land and its culture.

Ghana’s 539 km of rugged coastline is a welcome break from the hectic lifestyle of the cities. While its coastline is beautiful, it comes with hidden dangers. To protect your family and yourself, learn these five facts about beach safety. You’ll be able to enjoy a relaxing holiday without worrying about being hurt on the beach. Here are some tips to keep you and your loved ones safe. To avoid drowning, know your quota of water. More information about beaches in ghana: follow the link!

Akosombo Dam is a lake formed over the Volta river. It covers 3.6% of the land in Ghana. The lake’s outer sections are the cleanest. Many tourists will visit the island of Dodi and go fishing there. Some of these beaches will also feature luxury hotels, ensuring that tourists can experience the natural beauty of Ghana. But be warned that most of the beaches will still be splattered with plastics, so you’d better check before you get too close.

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