The Psychology Behind Online Game Addiction

Video games can become หาข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม an addiction when they start to negatively impact your life in various ways. This includes if it starts to affect your relationships, your work or school, and your health and well-being. It also happens when the addiction has a negative impact on your quality of sleep, and leads to problems like fatigue and poor concentration. In addition, some people with online gaming addiction experience severe symptoms such as depression and anxiety.

It is believed that gaming can be a form of self-medication for feelings like loneliness or low self-esteem. It can also be used to meet needs for instant gratification or social approval, which are difficult to achieve in real life. However, there are also many psychological factors that could contribute to online game addiction, such as poor impulse control and an inability to stop playing video games.

Several studies have shown that online game addiction negatively impacts learning engagement, which can result in decreased motivation for academic achievement (Chen and Gu, 2019), decreased effort in the classroom (Haji Anzehai, 2020), and lower cognitive and behavioral involvement in class (Wongpakaran et al., 2021). These effects can lead to long-term and permanent changes in brain function that can be very hard to reverse.

The Psychology Behind Online Game Addiction

In the current study, we conducted a three-wave longitudinal design and constructed a multiple mediation model. Using self-report measures at Time 1, 2, and 3, we found that gratitude, competence, and meaning in life mediate the relationship between autonomy and online game addiction. Additionally, we found that self-control and loneliness both mediate the relationship between autonomy and online gaming addiction at Time 3. This research offers important insights for teachers, parents, adolescents, private and public health institutions, and mental health professionals to help prevent online game addiction in young people.

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